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     Here is MY website.  Storyworld!  Here you can see some of the more developed stories I've written, and you can read and enjoy, and I'll update  you on the blog, say, when a new Chapter comes out.  I'm using a pen name at the moment for safety reasons, but if I publish my stories I suppose my name will be known to all.  Please, please, PLEASE check the blog often, that's where you'll find contests, awards, updates, pictures, etc.  You can comment yourself, or contact me by going to the Contacts sidebar on the About This Page, where I will NEVER divulge your email and your conversation with me will remain private (unless you want me to share it, of course).  To contact me right away, you can also click here. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading!  Wouldn't want to delay you, so...see you!  Have fun exploring! The Storyworld is a single click away, the very last tab on the tab bar.  Enjoy yourself!

     By the way...if you click on the unicorn above, it'll take you to my old site...;)


Get ready for the ride of a lifetime...thrilling and with the perfect touches of sarcasm and humor, Tsarmina takes her stories to a whole new level.



With equally exquisite and rakish characters, something in Tsarmina's writing differs from others.


The Story Scoop

-TTJ, book critic


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